If you rent your home (either furnished or un furnished) it is advisable to take out tenants content insurance.
When you rent a property, it is standard practice that you will have to pay a deposit up front, this covers the landlord for any damage to the property. Tenants Contents Insurance covers you for any accidental damage to your landlords property. With this type of insurance, the landlord would have to be insured too, however it is advisable if you had to pay a large deposit.
If you rent an unfurnished property you will be responsible for insuring your own contents. You can also extend the cover to your possessions outside the property my extending your policy to what is known as “all risks”. This means that if you are outdoors with your camera and it gets stolen, you are still covered.
With Tenants Contents Insurance you are normally also covered for the cost of replacement locks and keys should you loose your keys. You may also be entitled to alternative accommodation and also any rent that is due for this. You should also find out if the contents are replaced on a new for old basis.