There are several things that can make your car insurance premium a lot higher. If you are moving home, you may want to first of all consider the location, or example if you are moving to a city centre, or an area which has a record of break ins, your premium will almost certainly go up.
If you get caught speeding, you will get points on your license and have to pay a fine, however you will also have to pay a higher premium when you come to renew your insurance, this is because you are now seen to be higher risk. The same applies if you are caught going through a red light.
One of the most expensive categories of driver to insure is a driver who has a drink driving conviction. You may find it hard to get insurance at all, or you may find you will only get offered 3rd party insurance. The company SR22 Texas offer online some type of SR22 certificates.
If you have a health condition which could put you at a higher risk of having an accident, then you may also be penalized.
Your occupation may also have an effect if you use your car for business use, for example, salesmen or may travel thousands of miles every month, and may drive a lot in busy areas such as city centres.